More Friday Fun ... firewood

Maybe because the clutter of my cleaning and clearing project wasn't enough to keep me busy and distracted away from the easel (yes that's sarcasm) today I ordered... firewood.  Talk about a great visual for clutter!

I'm one of the crazies who loves winter.  And nothing says cozy quite like a fire in the fireplace on a cold morning, afternoon, or evening.  ​The real kind.  Snap, crackle, and pop of wood. Not just push a button to turn on the gas.

The problem is I just created more work for myself.  The wood doesn't stack itself.  I'm not complaining.  It's just ... another thing.  And a great visual for clutter.  As I think about it (which I didn't really until just now) it's actually quite a a good analogy.  That random pile will turn into a beautiful orderly stack... but it will happen one piece moved at a time, methodically.  Just like the other pile on my dining room table right now. 

The good news from Mimi's artist world?  I spent Wednesday reorganizing my studio, so that I now have a bit more room to paint.  And paint I have, every day since.

This #artistsreallife is one of continually working to achieve balance because I am fully aware there is a part of me that could easily be sucked away into painting all day every day but then who would do the laundry and cook dinner and walk Rosie and put out the trash and do the marketing and taxes and... you get the idea.

ALL of our lives are balancing acts, aren't they?  We learned in the past year that it doesn't take much to throw that balance out of alignment.  What's the new buzzword?  Learning to pivot? (though that word still brings me giggles from an old episode of Friends - click here to see it.)

Stack it I will.  In between everything else.  As I will clear the clutter.  In between brush strokes. That's how life gets done now.

Just my thoughts on a Friday evening at 6:10pm.  Love to all.  Stay warm this weekend - they're calling for a cold one.  Sure grateful that I have the new firewood.
